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BNP is a party of, by & for the citizens of Bengaluru. The strength & success of BNP will largely rest on how we, the citizens of Bengaluru unite and contribute to a better Bengaluru.

You can contribute / volunteer in any of the following ways :

I just want to stay connected with the Party as a supporter and receive regular updates on various initiatives and how they impact Bengaluru!

I would like to spread the concept and message of BNP to other Bengaluru citizens through social media & other possible ways!

I would like to volunteer with BNP by taking part in meetings, providing inputs, as well as taking part in initiatives of BNP from time to time!

I would like to be part of the central / ward level leadership team and play an active role in helping build the BNP organization!

I would like to stand for Corporator elections from my ward through the BNP platform and help build a better Bengaluru!